ing or immoral.

He cited the tragic case of Oscar Wilde, wherein two worlds collided. The differing standards of the differing worlds are very interesting, as is also the fact that a person from one of these worlds can be completely unaware of his affect on the other worlds. He mentioned the recent hilarious case of Eva Marie Saint's completely unnerving an audience of 600 by simply being true to her standards of bohemian honesty. Miss Saint was apparently unaware of any reason for the commotion she had caused when the story wont through the newspapers of the world like an electric shock, What Eric wished us to understand was that when Bohemian World hits Square World or when Gay World hits Square World-Square World wins in the courts if it comes to a jury trial.

Eric ended with another hilarious, though basically serious, account of some of the problems of San Francisco Attorney Morris Lowenthal, with his fight for the rights of "gay bars."

In the afternoon, W. Dorr Legg, director of ONE Institute, gave his excellent and challenging paper, "Normative Factors and Cultural Determinants in the Dynamics of Homosexual Pairing." Translating wildly, this means: "Like, How Come Most of Us Don't Make Out With Our Buddies Longer Than a Year or So?" We expect to see this paper published in "ONE's Quarterly of Homophile Studies" shortly.


Dr. Evelyn Hooker from the Department of Psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles, then presented her unique and valuable research paper: "Valuo Confliuts and Valus Congruence of a Homosexual Group in Heterosexual Society." Translated liberally, this means: "Wherein one homosexual group held violently different values and wherein It held the same or similar values as the surrounding heterosexual society." The theme of the Institute was taken from Doctor Hooker's paper, which was originally done for the Synposium at the American Psychological Association last Fall. (See page 10.)

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